by Brian Lentz

Vice-President, Big Rock Exploration

Responsible exploration and development of Earth’s resources has never been more critical to human life and well-being. Mining of metals, minerals and energy enabled the industrial revolution and elevated much of the world’s population out of poverty into the prosperous, thriving economies we know today. However, the continuity and future success of global societies will depend on our ability to find and utilize these critical materials without compromising the sustainability of our planet’s natural systems.

Today’s risk environment is, in many ways ignorant of industry, sector, nationality or locale. The vulnerability and disruption of manmade systems like globalized supply chains, or natural systems like our Earth’s climate, pose risks for business and value creation that span the globe. Modern business and community leaders must chart a course amidst conditions that are increasingly interconnected, interdependent, and rapidly changing.

Major drivers of complex global changes like population growth, urbanization, and technological advancement can strain our societal institutions. These conditions are presenting novel challenges to the viability of historically sound business models and pushing proven strategic frameworks towards obsolescence. These new challenges to growth stimulate competition and present new frontiers for the best innovators and entrepreneurs.

In this issue we explore strategic minerals that are critical for renewable energy and modern tech. As highlighted in previous issues, strategic minerals are essential components of our daily life and an increasingly important building block of our modern society. We also take a look through the microscope at how valuable and important petrography and ore microscopy methods are for finding and classifying ore deposits. Furthermore, we discuss our continued focus on key fundamentals of Big Rock; our growth culture, specialized team and sustainability.

Stay tuned throughout 2019 as we embark on an exciting path to explore and discover into the future.