Rob Bergmann


The Lewiston gold district has an old history. In 1875 placer gold was discovered in Strawberry Creek starting a steady gold rush to the region over the next 10-15 years. Little production history was recorded, but historic reports of extremely rich ore and over 30,000 oz of gold mined out by the first miners of the district.

Lewiston district today is largely open pasture and grazing land littered with historic prospect pits and small mine adits and shafts; a faint reminder of the past mining days of over 100 years ago.

Recognizing the complex geology and rich gold mining history, Relevant Gold Corp. acquired over 100 mining claims to explore this old district with some new eyes. The next step was engaging Big Rock to develop a comprehensive exploration strategy to explore and develop the expansive property package.

By utilizing Big Rock’s technical expertise and New Eyes on Old Rocks approach, experience with Major Mining companies, and their specialty in complex metamorphic lode gold terranes, Relevant Gold embarked on the modern exploration in this historic district with the best team possible.

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