Marcus Larson
Marcus has been a project geologist with Big Rock for almost one year and has quickly become a tremendous asset to the team. He was recently nominated by his peers in the month of April for outstanding contributions to the team.
During April he demonstrated effective planning and communication protocol during adverse weather events to maintain a safe work place. When client needs arose that demanded rapid boots-on-the-ground response, Marcus was flexible, positive, and committed to exceeding expectations. On recent projects in Colorado and Wyoming as the solo Big Rock staff member, he was professional, diligent, and consistent in his client communication and project updates with the team.
No matter the task, Marcus takes prides in his work with attention to detail and a drive to improve. Quality is the hallmark of Big Rock’s technical team, and Marcus upholds this standard.
Congratulations and thank you on behalf of Team Big Rock!




Marcus’ Current Projects

“Big Rock is a company filled with fun, hard-working people who excel at what they do. I have learned a lot since I first started and consider myself very lucky to be a part of this team.”
Marcus Larson, Project Geologist