by Brian Lentz
Vice President, Big Rock Exploration
You MAde oUr Year. Cheers to the next one!
From all of us here at Big Rock Exploration, we’d like to express our warmest wishes for the holiday season and our sincerest thanks for your partnership this past year. It’s an exciting time for our growing team, made possible through our work with industry-leading clients and an increasing demand for geologic services on numerous projects across North America.
As we look ahead to 2019, we’ll be sharing a number of new initiatives at our company that will continue to elevate our operational excellence and add value for our clients. We’ll also continue publishing our free quarterly newsletter, Explore & Discover, in which we share insights and happenings from Team Big Rock and across the geologic industry, so keep an eye out this winter for Issue No. 5. Until then…
Cheers to a happy, healthy and profitable new year!
Ringing In The Holidays with axes
This past Friday our team got together to celebrate the holiday season in true Minnesotan style – with axe throwing at Flannel Jax’s! One of the challenges we face as a company is getting all of our people together in one place. Our technical staff have been scattered far and wide on many demanding projects this past year, so we haven’t had a lot of time to catch up and enjoy some camaraderie!
Co-founders Brian Lentz and Rob Bergmann thought the crew would enjoy kicking off the holiday celebrations with some friendly competition (and wagers!) throwing large sharp objects. This group are workhorses in the field but know how to cut loose and have a good time when it’s warranted!